Our name, was inspired at the scenic lookout, "Hermits Rest." It is cherished and revered by locals as a 'Gateway to Magnificence'. Similarly, HPM offers a space for inclusive, intuitive connection. We offer services to relieve pain, reduce fatigue and reconnect to the essence of the soul. We believe everyone and everything has a need, a cycle and a season. Our ultimate goal is for our clients to ascend beyond current barriers to Feel extraordinary in your body, See your light radiate from within and Be complete and authentically you.
"Hermits Rest is an iconic and historic stop at the conclusion of Hermit Road, and the Canyon Rim Trail.
(photo credit: Zackary Beckham, google photos)

It serves as the gateway to magnificent backcountry hiking trails that originate from the Hermit Trail, dropping them off here for a respite before the return trip to Grand Canyon Village." The secluded location is reminiscent of the edge of the earth; A sacred space for indigenous tribes and so stunningly quiet that the whispers of Native Ancestors can be heard in the wind.
(photo and description credit: nps.gov and Grand Canyon Chamber)